
Mechanistic origin of cell-size control and homeostasis in bacteria
Fangwei Si, Guillaume Le Treut, John T Sauls, Stephen Vadia, Petra Anne Levin and Suckjoon Jun
Current Biology, 29, 1-11 (2019)
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Video abstract explaining the mechanistic origin of adder.
Fundamental Principles in Bacterial Physiology - History, Recent progress, and the Future with Focus on Cell Size Control: A Review
Suckjoon Jun, Fangwei Si, Rami Pugatch and Matthew Scott
Reports on Progress in Physics (2018)
[online][PDF][arXiv Preprint (PDF)]
A comprehensive overview of bacterial physiology focusing on the fundamental problems of the field, with extensive reference to milestones that shaped the field from the inception of the field to the most up-to-date developmnent.
Invariance of initiation mass and predictability of cell size in Escherichia coli
Fangwei Si*, Dongyang Li*, Sarah E. Cox, John T. Sauls, Omid Azizi, Cindy Sou, Amy B. Schwartz, Michael J. Erickstad, Yonggun Jun, Xintian Li and Suckjoon Jun
Current Biology, 2017
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We proposed the "unit cell" as the fundamental building block of cell size and its invariance underlies the predictability of cell size using the general growth law.
Cell-size control and homeostasis in bacteria
S. Taheri-Araghi, S. Bradde, J. T. Sauls, N. S. Hill, P. A. Levin, J. Paulsson, M. Vergassola, and S. Jun
Current Biology 25(3), 385–391, 2015
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Cell-size maintenance: universal strategy revealed
S. Jun & S. Taheri-Araghi
Trends in Microbiology 23(1), 4–6, 2015
[online] [PDF] [Google Scholar]
Cell-size Control and Maintenance We believe these two articles together establish a fundamental quantitative 'adder' principle for size control and homeostatis, one of the long-standing questions in biology.
Size convergence by the Adder principle
The multifork Escherichia coli chromosome is a self-duplicating and self-segregating thermodynamic ring polymer
Brenda Youngren, Henrik Jork Nielsen, Suckjoon Jun, and Stuart Austin.
Genes & Development 28:71-84, 2014
[open access full article] [Google Scholar]
[see also 'The bacterial chromosome: a physical biologist’s apology. A perspective.']
At long last, and for the first time, we understand the organization, dynamics, segregation of the E. coli chromosome under all growth and cell-cycle conditions in vivo.
The multifork Escherichia coli chromosome is a self-duplicating and self-segregating thermodynamic ring polymer
Physical manipulation of the bacterial chromosome reveals its soft nature
James Pelletier, Ken Halvorsen, Bae-Yeun Ha, Raffaella Paparcone, Steven Sandler, Conrad Woldringh, Wesley Wong, and Suckjoon Jun
PNAS Plus 109(40), E2649-E2656, 2012.
[open access full article] [PNAS highlight] [Google Scholar]
[Nature Methods highlight]
All chromosomes must fold to fit within cellular containers. Though strongly confined, the bacterial chromosome exhibits highly dynamic behavior during the cell cycle. Many models have been proposed, but few measurements have quantified the essential micromechanical properties of the bacterial chromosome. In this work, we experimentally demonstrated and quantified the fundamentally soft nature of the bacterial chromosome and the entropic forces that can cause fast compaction in a crowded intracellular environment. This 7-year work, experiment and theory combined, is a quantitative demonstration of the loaded entropic spring model of the bacterial chromosome.
Entropy as the driver of chromosome segregation
Suckjoon Jun and Andrew Wright
Nature Reviews Microbiology 8, 600-607 (2010).
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In our PNAS 2006 article, we proposed conformational entropy- driven chromosome organization and segregation in bacteria. This work quantitatively discusses a set of minimal physical conditions the bacterial chromosomes should satisfy to segregate spontaneously, and goes beyond the original PNAS 2006 article. Furthermore, this article critically examines the existing models.
Robust growth of Escherichia coli,
Ping Wang, Lydia Rober, James Pelletier, Wei Lien Dang, Francois Taddei, Andrew Wright, and Suckjoon Jun
Current Biology 20, 1099-1103, 2010.
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[The Scientist Top 7 Biology]
[The Scientist Top 7 Biochemistry]
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In this work, we introduce the mother machine for the first time. The mother machine allowed us to follow thousands of individual mother cells for hundreds of consecutive generations. The results were surprising. See the movie below.

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Si2019CurrBio Mechanistic origin of cell-size control and homeostasis in bacteria
Fangwei Si, Guillaume Le Treut, John T Sauls, Stephen Vadia, Petra Anne Levin and Suckjoon Jun
Current Biology, 29, 1-11 (2019)
[online][PDF][Google Scholar][UCSD news]
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  Fundamental Principles in Bacterial Physiology - History, Recent progress, and the Future with Focus on Cell Size Control: A Review
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[online][PDF][Google Scholar][arXiv Preprint (PDF)]
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Unit Cell Invariance of initiation mass and predictability of cell size in Escherichia coli
Fangwei Si*, Dongyang Li*, Sarah E. Cox, John T. Sauls, Omid Azizi, Cindy Sou, Amy B. Schwartz, Michael J. Erickstad, Yonggun Jun, Xintian Li and Suckjoon Jun
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Cell-size control and maintenance Cell-size control and homeostasis in bacteria
S. Taheri-Araghi, S. Bradde, J. T. Sauls, N. S. Hill, P. A. Levin, J. Paulsson, M. Vergassola, and S. Jun
Current Biology 25(3), 385–391, 2015
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Cell-size maintenance: universal strategy revealed
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The multifork Escherichia coli chromosome is a self-duplicating and self-segregating thermodynamic ring polymer

See highlights on the right

The multifork Escherichia coli chromosome is a self-duplicating and self-segregating thermodynamic ring polymer
Brenda Youngren, Henrik Jork Nielsen, Suckjoon Jun, and Stuart Austin.
Genes & Development 28:71-84, 2014
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Physical manipulation of the Escherichia coli chromosome reveals its soft nature.

See highlights on the right

Physical manipulation of the Escherichia coli chromosome reveals its soft nature
James Pelletier, Ken Halvorsen, Bae-Yeun Ha, Raffaella Paparcone, Steven Sandler, Conrad Woldringh, Wesley Wong, and Suckjoon Jun
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Entropy as the driver of chromosome segregation.

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Entropy as the driver of chromosome segregation.
Suckjoon Jun and Andrew Wright
Nature Reviews Microbiology 8, 600-607 (2010).
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Robust growth of Escherichia coli

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Robust growth of Escherichia coli
Ping Wang, Lydia Rober, James Pelletier, Wei Lien Dang, Francois Taddei, Andrew Wright, and Suckjoon Jun
Current Biology 20, 1099-1103, 2010.
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[The Scientist Top 7 Biology] [The Scientist Top 7 Biochemistry] [download data]
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Viewpoint article for Physics (APS)

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